April 2022
Selam! Greetings from sunny Ethiopia. Tigist and Ally have arrived in Addis Ababa on a self funded trip to do some monitoring, evaluation, training and to help launch the pilot period poverty project that was the focus of The Big Give Christmas challenge in 2021. This...
Christmas 2021
Inspired by the Lalibela Churches by Sally Stanley for For-ethiopia. Where has the year gone? On one hand it has been an endless cycle of another lockdown, face masks, social distancing and covid fatigue, on the other the year appears to have flown by. We braved the...
November 2021 Newsletter
Update from Ethiopia The Underhill Secondary Scholarship Scheme continues to be a great success, currently there are 8 girls who have enrolled for grade 12, 7 girls in grade 11 9 girls in grade 10. New girls who passed their grade 8 exams will be selected to join...
September 2021
Melkam Addis Amet! Otherwise known as "Happy New Year" in Amharic. September 11th marks the new year of 2014 for Ethiopia. There is normally a celebration called Enkutash to bring in the new year (Ethiopia follows the Julian calendar.) Enkutash means "gift of jewels"...
May 2021 Newsletter
Sunday past (2nd May) was Ethiopian Easter. Fasika is the most important Christian festival in Ethiopia, its significance is equal to the celebrations around Christmas in the UK. For the 40 days leading up to Fasika, Christians will have fasted from all meat and...
The Big Give 2021
One donation. Twice the impact!
Period poverty excludes girls from education. We wish to see all girls able to continue their education in dignity and safety…
March Newsletter
Easter in Ethiopia is called Fasika, and will not be celebrated until the 2nd May 2021 as they follow the Eastern Orthodox calendar.
Happy Ethiopian Christmas!
No – we are not late – in Ethiopia people are celebrating today, 7th January.
November Newsletter
We are all adjusting to the realities of the pandemic. Schools are re-opening, and we are assisting with this. In Toby’s House, we have rearranged things so that the girls are in year bubbles for working, cooking, eating washing and sleeping, but the huge success has been the arrival of their mobile phones…
September Newsletter
Happy Ethiopian New Year 2013!
October 2022: Swing Dance
Thank you all so much for a wonderful eveing at Ashton Gate on the 6th October. We had so much fun and hope you enejoyed the Ambling Band, and Down with the Count swing band and dancers. The atmosphere was amazing. Once we know the final total of money raised on the...
July 2022 Newsletter
all the latest news from Ethiopia and upcoming events in Bristol.
April 2022
Selam! Greetings from sunny Ethiopia. Tigist and Ally have arrived in Addis Ababa on a self funded trip to do some monitoring, evaluation, training and to help launch the pilot period poverty project that was the focus of The Big Give Christmas challenge in 2021. This...
Christmas 2021
Inspired by the Lalibela Churches by Sally Stanley for For-ethiopia. Where has the year gone? On one hand it has been an endless cycle of another lockdown, face masks, social distancing and covid fatigue, on the other the year appears to have flown by. We braved the...
November 2021 Newsletter
Update from Ethiopia The Underhill Secondary Scholarship Scheme continues to be a great success, currently there are 8 girls who have enrolled for grade 12, 7 girls in grade 11 9 girls in grade 10. New girls who passed their grade 8 exams will be selected to join...
September 2021
Melkam Addis Amet! Otherwise known as "Happy New Year" in Amharic. September 11th marks the new year of 2014 for Ethiopia. There is normally a celebration called Enkutash to bring in the new year (Ethiopia follows the Julian calendar.) Enkutash means "gift of jewels"...
May 2021 Newsletter
Sunday past (2nd May) was Ethiopian Easter. Fasika is the most important Christian festival in Ethiopia, its significance is equal to the celebrations around Christmas in the UK. For the 40 days leading up to Fasika, Christians will have fasted from all meat and...
The Big Give 2021
One donation. Twice the impact!
Period poverty excludes girls from education. We wish to see all girls able to continue their education in dignity and safety…
March Newsletter
Easter in Ethiopia is called Fasika, and will not be celebrated until the 2nd May 2021 as they follow the Eastern Orthodox calendar.
Happy Ethiopian Christmas!
No – we are not late – in Ethiopia people are celebrating today, 7th January.