Inspired by the Lalibela Churches by Sally Stanley for For-ethiopia.

Where has the year gone? On one hand it has been an endless cycle of another lockdown, face masks, social distancing and covid fatigue, on the other the year appears to have flown by. We braved the virtual fundraising domain with a wonderful online event shared with our colleagues in the ‘Small but Significant’ group, friends and collective supporters to cook Ethiopian food simultaneously around the world. We even managed two outdoor in person events , the first at the Cotham Hill street Party and then our Great Ethiopian Run last month. 

Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement throughout the year. We are grateful for everyone for enabling our partner FDA-E to continue their work through various independent fundraising efforts, such as sailing the UK waters, making and selling your own produce, and supporting our work through your regular donations and gifts. That is why we have met our goals and raised the money we need for the next years proposal. We couldn’t have done it without you all – Amesegnalehu!  

We are very thankful for our Champion Ethiopiaid, who matched the pledges in our Big Give campaign. Please do look up the work they do throughout Ethiopia . 

News from Ethiopia

Last years cohort for grade 12 have finally sat their delayed exams which determine if they gain a place at University. The girls in the Underhill Scholarship scheme were able to celebrate afterwards with a coffee ceremony. It is now a nervous time as they wait for the results.

The FDA-E staff are preparing to welcome in a new cohort of girls into the scholarship scheme. It is also a busy time for end of year reporting and preparing proposals for next years work.

It is currently harvest time in Ethiopia. Traditionally all children have time off school to help their parents bring in the harvest for the year ahead. Christmas in Ethiopia is not until the 7th January as they follow the Orthodox calendar. Our thoughts are with the people of Ethiopia as they continue to go through tough times ranging from conflict, the pandemic and the impact of climate change.

For Ethiopia has lost a good friend, Jeanette Brewin,who died unexpectedly last month. Always a supporter of For Ethiopia, Jeannie came to take a special interest in a small primary school, Hawi Boru. Her gifts raised their standards, and their morale and it has become a vibrant happy place thanks to her. She is greatly missed here and in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Proverb
“One who learns, will eventually teach”.