Happy Ethiopian New Year 2013

We greet you a little late – Ethiopian New Year was on 11th September this year – but we send you this virtual card, a decoration made by the girls of Toby’s House. All are safe, but,as the High School has not yet re-opened, most are still in their villages, and we are helping them work out how to keep themselves safe when they do return.

Our staff in Ethiopia are all well. There has been one case of covid 19 so far in Addis Alem. Fortunately, the person has recovered, and so far there are no more. In Ethiopia, as in the UK, the incidence of the disease is far lower in the younger age groups, only rising to 20% in the 70+ age group. As relatively few live to that age fewer people are affected. We are, however, looking at ways they can be helped to understand the condition, and shield their precious older people.

As in the UK, our projects are on hold. We continue to fund PPE for the Health Centres and Health posts, provide food stores, in case of lockdown and provide mobile phones for our students, so that they can remain safely in contact with us, and access on-line educational facilities. 

Masks, sanitiser and bleach delivered to Addis Alem Health Office

….and Here in the UK

For Ethiopia continues to function – even more than that, we are adapting and progressing. We continue to meet monthly, on a Zoom platform (although, in August, we met in real time, in Mandy Risso’s garage for an ‘Away Day’.

So small compared to previous years, but excellent to be together for blue sky thinking, a farewell to one trustee Diana Brand, and a welcome to Steve Peters. Steve is an old friend of For Ethiopia, who has spent 2 years working at Gonder University. He has offered his services, and is welcomed on board as our new Secretary.

Away Day 2020

Awayday Group: clockwise – Ruth Grieve, Tigist Grieve, Rob Gentilli, Diana Brand, Mandy Risso, Dudley Thomas, Steve Peters, John Rosewell and Robert Grieve.


A brief appeal. Clearly, we can no longer have events, as we used to do, and we are looking at other options.

May I take this opportunity to thank our precious regular donors, who give us a regular, dependable income stream, and ask them if they might see their way to increasing this monthly donation? It could make a huge difference to out projects.

Also – Do you use Amazon? If you do – a reminder. At no cost to you, you can have a portion of your purchase donated to For Ethiopia by buying via the http:\\smile.amazon.co.uk link.

Any other suggestions gratefully received – a thank you to Liz Cullen in Malmesbury, who is raising money for us by making and selling masks!

Thanks, Liz! And stay safe, everybody!

Ethiopian proverb

A frog wanting to be as large as an  elephant, ended up bursting