Final report on 2013 water projects

 Final Report on Water Projects in Ejere District, 2013. Since 2004, For-ethiopia have completed 15 water projects. Four springs have been capped, five hand dug wells and six drilled wells providing clean water to over 15,000 people. [slickr-flickr...

Case Story – Solar Refrigerators

Case Story: Improving rural health care delivery through realizing access to pro poor energy facilities: “Solar Vaccine Storage Refrigerators” W/r Meskerem Kassay and Tsehay Hailu are the health extension works (HEWs) for a Health Post at small village named...

Saturday Surgery with Sue & Naomi

Trustee Sue Thomas and Dr Naomi Gillingham are back from their visit to Ethiopia where they saw the installation of three more solar refrigerators and had a chance to give training to the health extension workers and nurses as well as evaluate past health projects and...

More solar refrigerators to clinics

Nigel Walker and Jenny Stanley Smith have today (25 February 2013) arrived in Ethiopia to install three more solar refrigerators. This will be Nigel’s third trip out to Addis Alem having already installed four in rural health posts. Nigel said ‘Its a real...

Dr Thomas off on her travels

  Trustee Sue Thomas is off to Ethiopia this evening (16 Feb 2013) on a self-funded trip to visit and evaluate our projects as well as oversee the installation of more solar refrigerators. Despite having to pack her suitcases she found time to visit BBC Radio...

Water to 10,000 people

Thanks to a generous donation six wells were drilled in Ejere District, West Shewa Zone, Ethiopia in 2011. The six sites were evaluated by water engineer Dr Ken Edworthy with the help of the British Consultancy Charitable Trust (BCCT). Ken visited all the sites and...

To change the world, invest in adolescent girls.

Make a real difference to the life chances of young girls in Ethiopia and their future families – donate on-line to For-ethiopia next week and the value of your donation will be doubled. Online donations made between 5 and 9 December 2011 will be matched by the...

Girls’ Access to Secondary Education

The Big Idea ‘To change the world, invest in adolescent girls’. If an adolescent girl in Africa progresses to secondary education, stays in school, remains healthy and gains real skills, she will marry later, have fewer, healthier children and earn an income...