Water & Sanitation







Since 2004, nine springs have been capped and twenty wells constructed, providing safe, clean water for over 12,500 people.

A total of thirteen toilet blocks (benefitting 8,700 pupils and staff) have also been constructed and training days stressing the importance of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) have been run in these communities.

See one of the wells in action.

Cattle troughs have also been constructed at many sites to provide for livestock.

Water from natural springs is often harmful to health for those who drank from it.  By capping the spring and building a storage tank, clean, safe water is available for more people.

Communities are equipped with the training and tools to maintain their water collection points.

Using simple, appropriate technology, For-Ethiopia ensures the sustainability of its projects.

Five hand-dug wells have been completed using money raised by the charity.

With the help of a water engineer, a suitable location was identified to construct a well.  The well was hand-dug before being lined with concrete rings. A plastic pipe was then inserted and connected to a hand-pump.

The well provides fresh, clean water to many households.

We have employed drilling engineers to oversee this work and see this has proved to be a great opportunity to provide fresh, clean water to areas where a hand-dug well would not be able to reach the water table.

We have also capped a number of groundwater springs to provide clean, safe drinking water where previously, the open spring would have been exposed resulting in a much higher risk of water contamination.

Latest Water & Sanitation News

Final report on 2013 water projects

 Final Report on Water Projects in Ejere District, 2013. Since 2004, For-ethiopia have completed 15 water projects. Four springs have been capped, five hand dug wells and six drilled wells providing clean water to over 15,000 people. [slickr-flickr tag="water"...

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Water to 10,000 people

Thanks to a generous donation six wells were drilled in Ejere District, West Shewa Zone, Ethiopia in 2011. The six sites were evaluated by water engineer Dr Ken Edworthy with the help of the British Consultancy Charitable Trust (BCCT). Ken visited all the sites and...

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Because of this we are able to put more of the money directly to projects to benefit those who need it!

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