July 2021

July 2021

High School Graduation We are delighted to announce that two of the scholarship girls from Toby’s House have graduated high school and have just departed to join the Universities they have been awarded a place at. This is a huge adventure for them as they will...

May 2021 Newsletter

Melikami Fasika Sunday past (2nd May) was Ethiopian Easter. Fasika is the most important Christian festival in Ethiopia, its significance is equal to the celebrations around Christmas in the UK. For the 40 days leading up to Fasika, Christians will have fasted from...
March Newsletter

March Newsletter

Easter in Ethiopia is called Fasika, and will not be celebrated until the 2nd May 2021 as they follow the Eastern Orthodox calendar. Therefore this is still a time of fasting and eating vegetarian food for many. Dishes such as Azifa (lentil salad) and Misir Wot...
An Evening of Ethiopian Cooking with Tigist & Friends

An Evening of Ethiopian Cooking with Tigist & Friends

Saturday 27th February, 19:30 Cook along with our Ethiopian hosts to learn how to make three popular Ethiopian dishes. Tobia-Teff will show us how to make authentic Ethiopian Teff Injera. In addition, see how Tej is made in Ethiopia and end the evening by eating what...
Happy Ethiopian Christmas!

Happy Ethiopian Christmas!

No – we are not late – in Ethiopia people are celebrating today, 7th January. Sailing into 2021 Here in the UK, we are on track for our 2021 projects, of which you will here more later, but today we have an offer from Ros Bennet, who sailed from St Just in...
Christmas is looking a little different this year…

Christmas is looking a little different this year…

As a team we want to say a huge thank you to all our supporters in what has been a very difficult year. We haven’t been able to meet up with you for many months due to COVID-19, we are missing you all. Till we can meet again our glass of Tej is less than half...
November Newsletter

November Newsletter

News from Ethiopia We are all adjusting to the realities of the pandemic. Schools are re-opening, and we are assisting with this. In Toby’s House, we have rearranged things so that the girls are in year bubbles for working, cooking, eating washing and sleeping,...
September Newsletter

September Newsletter

Happy Ethiopian New Year 2013 We greet you a little late – Ethiopian New Year was on 11th September this year – but we send you this virtual card, a decoration made by the girls of Toby’s House. All are safe, but,as the High School has not yet...
July Newsletter

July Newsletter

News from Ethiopia In Ethiopia, as in the UK, Covid-19 remains a major problem. Considerable efforts are  being made by the government – encouraging social distancing, closing schools and setting up food-banks. They are testing for the virus, but capacity is...