News from Ethiopia

We have just had word from Ethiopia that two of our water projects have been completed at the northern villages of Besso and Liti Gulit. These are both what is called ‘spring caps’.

Spring capping does not require a well to be dug. On the hillsides, water naturally springs from the soil, usually in several places in one area. These are called ‘eyes’ and they come together to form a muddy area and then a stream. When these springs are capped, all the eyes are identified and brought together into a collecting tank. The tank is fitted with taps, and clean water can be collected. Often it is possible to set up a separate drinking trough for animals, and sometimes a washing area. The pictures you see have only just arrived from Liti Gulit, a village of around 4000 people. They are delighted, but must still wait for the water to be formally tested at a lab in Addis Ababa.