News from Ethiopia

We are all adjusting to the realities of the pandemic. Schools are re-opening, and we are assisting with this. In Toby’s House, we have rearranged things so that the girls are in year bubbles for working, cooking, eating washing and sleeping, but the huge success has been the arrival of their mobile phones……

These phones are equipped with a solar charger, and will allow the girls to access on line teaching aids, as well as to remain in touch with their tutors and each other. Below are pictures of them recieving ttraining, masked and socially distanced. The room they are in is the library, recently converted into a dormitory.

News in UK

For Ethiopia has now an important new string to its bow. At the beginning of the year we  reached the decision that we needed some regular administrative support in order to progress our aims. It is an attractive thought that all the money we raise goes to Ethiopia, but it is not realistic. Almost all charities recognise the need to invest in a sound infrastructure.

We made that decision, and, having advertised  and  interviewed we found our ideal person. The letter of appointment went out. on the day of lock down. Six months later, we picked up the pieces and are delighted to announce that Ally Ng has joined the team. I have asked her to introduce herself:

Ally Ng

My name is Ally Ng. I have volunteered at events with the charity since I first moved to Bristol in 2008. My husband Paul was a trustee for many years, therefore the ethos and background of for-ethiopia and its projects are well known to me.

I am passionate about access to health and education (based on my own overseas experience with other charities and as a mum to two girls). It is a real privilege to facilitate the trustees in their endeavors to research, plan and deliver projects to benefit the Ejere community in Ethiopia.

One big goal of mine in my new role is to build our engagement with our supporters, and expand our target audience.

Welcome Ally!

Ethiopian proverb

It is foolish to start a fire just to see the flames