Jan 5, 2011 | Education, Projects
[pdf-ppt-viewer href=”https://for-ethiopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/E1.pdf” width=”600″ height=”700″]
Jan 5, 2011 | Health, Projects
[pdf-ppt-viewer href=”https://for-ethiopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/H1.pdf” width=”600″ height=”700″]
Jan 5, 2011 | Projects, Water, Wells
[pdf-ppt-viewer href=”https://for-ethiopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/W1.pdf” width=”600″ height=”700″]
Jan 5, 2011 | Projects, Springs, Water
[pdf-ppt-viewer href=”https://for-ethiopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/W1-2008.pdf” width=”600″ height=”700″]
Dec 16, 2010 | Health, News, Projects
The Beso rural clinic For-Ethiopia operates in the Ejere Area; a region with a population of 150,000. The residents are cared for by a central health centre in Addis Alem. It has a number of smaller rural clinics and unmanned health posts that are used by nurses when...