July 2021

July 2021

High School Graduation We are delighted to announce that two of the scholarship girls from Toby’s House have graduated high school and have just departed to join the Universities they have been awarded a place at. This is a huge adventure for them as they will...

May 2021 Newsletter

Melikami Fasika Sunday past (2nd May) was Ethiopian Easter. Fasika is the most important Christian festival in Ethiopia, its significance is equal to the celebrations around Christmas in the UK. For the 40 days leading up to Fasika, Christians will have fasted from...
The For-ethiopia 15th Annual Report

The For-ethiopia 15th Annual Report

Our 15th Annual Report has been approved and submitted to the Charity Commission! The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing made the usually simple task of finalising the report, approval of the trustees and the independent examiner a lot more...